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The Alabama Professional Bail Bonding Board Board March 26, 2021 Meeting Minutes

The Alabama Professional Bail Bonding Board
Board Meeting Minutes

March 26, 2021

With proper and required notice having been provided to the Alabama Secretary of State’s Office along with posting on the websites of the Alabama Secretary of State and the Alabama Professional Bail Bonding Board, a meeting of the Alabama Professional Bail Bonding Board was held on Friday, March 26, 2021, at 60 Commerce Street, Suite 1440, Montgomery, Alabama.  The meeting was called to order at 10:12 a.m. by Chairman Chris McNeil.

A quorum having been established and maintained, the following Board members were present:

District I:  Chris McNeil
District II:  Gustavius Maxie
District III:  Barry Johnson
District VI:  Jimmie Lay
Judge:  The Honorable Spiro Cheriogotis
Circuit Clerk:  The Honorable Carla Woodall

Board Members not present:
District IV:  Alesia Kyser
District V:  Victor Howard
District VII:  Edward Giles

Also present was Claire Austin, Acting Executive Director; Brenda Holden and Will Parker, Administrative Support; and Mary Goldthwaite, Board Attorney, Alabama Attorney General’s Office.

Unless otherwise notated, all voting actions of the Board were taken by a show of hands.

The meeting was opened with prayer offered by Jimmie Lay.

A motion to approve the agenda was made by Spiro Cheriogotis and seconded by Barry Johnson.  Motion passed unanimously.

The minutes of the January 22, 2021, meeting of the Board were previously distributed for review.  A motion to waive the reading of the minutes and approve as submitted was made by Carla Woodall and seconded by Jimmie Lay.  Motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Carla Woodall to recess briefly and seconded by Spiro Cheriogotis.  Motion passed unanimously.

At 10:21 a.m. meeting was recessed and reconvened at 10:34 a.m.

The Executive Director’s Report was submitted by Claire Austin related to applications and renewals processed, issuance of licenses, payments of Board expenses, and 2nd quarter financial update to include informing the Board that the initial emergency funds have been paid in full as well as efforts to minimize expenses.  Work is continuing with agencies for availability of continuing education hours and programs for licensees.  Payments continue to Alabama Interactive.  Information was provided of printing options available and the cost effectiveness of small ID cards distributed to licensees.  It was requested for future financial reports that there be an identification of the entity name instead of document/department codes for better understanding and clarity as well as liabilities and anticipated expenses for legal representation.  It was also reported that an effort to follow up with ALEA for the APBB to be an approved vendor.

Chris McNeil reported that the Testing Subcommittee will have a draft for proofing available within the coming weeks.

There was no new business or licensees to come before the Board.

The Board was informed the next meeting of the Alabama Professional Bail Bonding Board is scheduled for Friday, May 21, 2021, at 12:00 p.m. at 60 Commerce Street, Suite 1440, Montgomery, Alabama.

There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Jimmie Lay and seconded by Spiro Cheriogotis.  Motion passed unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 11:10 a.m.

Respectfully submitted:

Chris McNeil                                                               Carla H. Woodall
Chairman                                                                    Secretary